News & Recent Events

PTA Meetings

DOES PTA meetings are typically held the first Wednesdays of the month at 7pm in the Dayton Oaks Media Center

The first meeting in September is used to vote on the budget for the year and the last meeting in June to vote on officers for the following school year.

2024/2025 Meeting Dates

Wednesday, September 4
Wednesday, October 9
Wednesday, November 4
Wednesday, December 4
Wednesday, January 8
Wednesday, February 12
Wednesday, March 5
Wednesday, April 2
Wednesday, May 14
Wednesday June 4

DolFun Run 2024!

Our one and only fundraiser, the DolFun Run is Thursday, October 17th! Thank you for all your support helping us reach our fundraising goal and fund all our events. You can donate HERE!

Want to help volenteer the day of the event? "Sign up here!

Ice Cream Social

THANK YOU to everyone that helped or joined us at our first big PTA event this school year. The blacktop was full of smiles, kids laughter, and ice cream stained shirts :). The lines were long but that didn’t deter everyone from socializing and reconnecting! The Ice Cream Social was a huge success and we loved seeing all of our DOES families!

Love this event? Support DOES PTA and "become a member today!

Can You Help? PTA Volunteers Are Needed!

Ever wondered how to get involved in the planning of the ICE CREAM Social? Or perhaps you wondered how the special teacher & staff events were planned and menus were decided? OR maybe you'd just like to SHARE ideas or "only help out when you have time"?

Well, FRET NOT! Just fill out our SHORT Volunteer Interest Form below (less than 3 minutes to do) and check the boxes for what you are "curious about" or "know you want to help with." Volunteer with DOES PTA!